Monday, March 31, 2025
Home Tags Ted Husveth

Tag: Ted Husveth

Record volumes but room to grow in portfolio trading

Portfolio trading made up 11.4% of TRACE volume in December, and was up more than two percentage points year-on-year across the market. The upward trajectory...

Derivatives: Credit default swaps – The revival

Applying innovation from corporate bond markets to credit derivatives trading could boost liquidity at a point of market stress. Single-name credit default swaps (CDSs) provide...

Worsening credit conditions battle improving trading capabilities

Both defaults and rerating of bonds are more likely in a high rate environment, and for trading desks this means finding efficient ways to...

Ted Husveth: Measuring Execution Quality for Portfolio Trading

In our last blog post, we detailed how we estimate market-wide portfolio trading volumes, and how those volumes have grown as a proportion of...

Deciphering the Size of the Portfolio Trading Market: Ted Husveth

Ted Husveth, Managing Director, Credit Product Manager, Tradeweb. In our last blog post, we examined what a typical portfolio trade on our platform looks like...

Credit: The introduction and initial impact of portfolio trading

Ted Husveth, Managing Director, Credit Product Manager, Tradeweb. Portfolio trading in credit markets continues to take shape and change the way that many clients are trading...