Saturday, March 1, 2025
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MiFID II are you ready for 2018?

With the introduction of MiFID II and MiFIR on 3 January 2018, the European financial markets will face the biggest regulatory change they have...

FIX issues guide for MiFID II reporting of bond trades

By Flora McFarlane. FIX Trading Community, which sets the messaging standard for trading messages sent between buy-side and sell-side firms, has published the final Recommended...

Evolution through collaboration

MiFID II and electronification are transforming the credit market – How can one benefit from this new environment to access liquidity and how can...

What is best execution and how can firms achieve it?

Gareth Coltman, Head of European Product Management, MarketAxess Europe offers his insights. There is no doubt that MiFID II will have a profound and lasting...

UBS quantifies MiFID II ripples that will be felt across the...

The DESK. Banks will see trading revenue growth fall by roughly 1.5% in 2018 due to MiFID II, and that pressure will sustain for at...

Liquidnet: 39% of buy-side firms rethinking use of TCA

By Flora McFarlane. Traditional transaction cost analysis (TCA) could be a casualty in the shifting landscape of pre- and post-MiFID II regulation, with 39% of...

Financial Conduct Authority approves Trax and Tradeweb for MiFID II Reporting

By Flora McFarlane. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has granted approval to Trax and Tradeweb as Approved Publication Arrangement (APA) for transparency and reporting under...

The breakdown: How asset managers are tackling fixed income unbundling

By Flora McFarlane & Dan Barnes. With the revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) set to arrive in just under five months, buy-side...

Liquidnet’s research reveals liquidity conditions improving

A survey of US and European bond traders has revealed that the liquidity in the fixed income markets is improving. The research, published by the...

ECB warns ‘dark trading’ may cement bond market fragmentation

A paper by the European Central Bank (ECB), entitled ‘Dark pools in European equity markets: emergence, competition and implications’ has advised firms to be...