Friday, March 14, 2025
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Tag: Invesco

FILS 2024: “We really want to see streaming”

Increasing levels of indexation, exchange traded fund (ETF) use, and data availability paint of picture of deeper, more automated credit markets in the future,...

What FILS delegates want

With the Fixed Income Leaders Summit (FILS) Europe upon us, The DESK has been speaking to attendees to discern what topics are most eagerly...

Exclusive: Karim Awenat promoted at Invesco

Karim Awenat has been promoted to head of EMEA and APAC macro trading at Invesco, which has assets under management of US$1.6 trillion. Awenat...

A wild ride: Tradeweb’s Hult reviews the bond market in 2023

Historic interest rate moves, a debt ceiling stalemate, major bank collapses and massive geopolitical instability. These mega events sent shocks through the markets in...

Invesco global head of fixed income trading Glenn Taitz departs for...

Invesco’s global head of fixed income trading, Glenn Taitz, has left the firm to take up the position of head of business operations at...

FILS US 2023: Traders need tech solutions that plug directly into...

The View on Liquidity panel at FILS US 2023 had some stern words on the urgent need to integrate better protocols directly into workflows...

Influx of buy-side support for Adamantia consolidated tape group

The Adamantia Consolidated Tape group has welcomed Allianz Global Investors, Amundi Asset Management, AXA Investment Managers, BayernInvest, Deka Investment, DWS, Invesco, MEAG, Union Investment,...

Invesco’s 2023 Fixed income outlook: ‘A promising year after a painful...

Invesco has published its outlook for fixed income markets in 2023, noting that valuations now look more attractive, and yields are higher than they...

Karim Awenat – naturally curious

Karim Awenat, Invesco's head of fixed income trading, London discusses the skillsets, culture and technology needed to navigate the bond markets. What are the challenges...

Adroit wins Invesco, connects to LedgerEdge

Adroit Trading Technologies, a trading system provider for institutional buy-side managers, has been mandated as an execution management system (EMS) across over the counter...