Rules & Ratings: Industry groups clash on NBFI leverage regulation
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has been looking into risks around leverage in non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI) for a number of years. In 2023,...
What will shape Europe’s bond market in 2025
The European bond market is under pressure from several dynamics which are shaping its evolution, with implications for investors and issuers.
Andy Hill, senior director...
ICMA’s Annual General Meeting & Conference 2025
Meet the international capital market in Frankfurt at the 2025 ICMA AGM and Conference.
The AMIC Forum: Mind the Gaps – savings, investment and financing...
The Asset Management and Investors Council (AMIC) Forum provides an opportunity for investment industry participants to network and share insights and information.
Join this half-day...
FILS USA: Policy, predictions and reasons for optimism
While outlooks are often gloomy, speakers at this year’s Fixed Income Leaders Summit were optimistic about the future of the industry. That said, the...
Why India’s bond markets may bloom in June
Inclusion in one major index could see Indian markets boost investment and liquidity, with more in January 2025.
Following the victory of the BJP in...
ICMA responds to digital securities sandbox proposals
The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) has suggested a number of amendments to the FCA and Bank of England’s proposal to implement and operate...
Technology: Can the EMS become a desktop trading venue?
Direct streaming of dealer prices could allow traders to bypass third party venues, if their desktop systems can be used to execute direct streams...
Risk – Redemption shock
If funds are not given daily liquidity by the market, can they support daily redemptions for clients? Chris Hall reports.
When pandemic-fuelled panic hit the...
Data’s weakness in March crisis accelerates calls for European tape
Where European bond market infrastructure has lagged behind US, traders – and therefore investors – have suffered.
From a promised age of enlightenment, many traders...