When not to use portfolio trading

When not to use portfolio trading

Portfolio trading cannot please all of the people all of the time. The success of portfolio trading (PT) as a protocol has taken bond markets...
Michelle Neal poached by New York Fed from LedgerEdge

Michelle Neal poached by New York Fed from LedgerEdge

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has been named Michelle Neal as head of its Markets Group. In this role, she will also...
Fidelity International: “A new era for interest rates”

Fidelity International: “A new era for interest rates”

Steve Ellis, global chief investment officer for fixed income at Fidelity International has outlined dynamics which could affect debt markets in 2023. “Fixed income markets...
Lynge Jensen to join Danske Bank AM

Lynge Jensen to join Danske Bank AM

Frank Lynge Jensen is to join Danske Bank Asset Management as a fixed income trader, having left outsourced trading provider, Sherpa Edge. In a statement...
Could OpenFin be as big as Bloomberg?

Could OpenFin be as big as Bloomberg?

Connectivity between technologies and between trading participants is a perennial problem for bond trading desks. Hooking up with a new trading platform or service...
Viewpoint : Technology for OFTR securities : Susan Estes

Viewpoint : Technology for OFTR securities : Susan Estes

Time to awaken the sleeping giant Susan Estes, Co-Founder, CEO & President of OpenDoor Securities The tripling in size of the US Treasuries market over the...
State Street: Investors hesitant in fixed income across March

State Street: Investors hesitant in fixed income across March

Investors remain risk seeking in equities but hesitant in fixed income – that is according to State Street’s Risk Appetite Index, which rebounded to...
FCA fines PwC £15m over failure to report suspected fraud at LCF

FCA fines PwC £15m over failure to report suspected fraud at LCF

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has fined Big Four consultancy PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) for failing to report to the regulator their belief that London Capital...
ITG expands TCA into fixed income market

ITG expands TCA into fixed income market

By Flora McFarlane. Agency broker ITG has announced that it is expanding its transaction cost analysis (TCA) platform into the fixed income market. Covering around...
Buy-side desks find favour in credit futures

Buy-side desks find favour in credit futures

The expansion of Eurex’s credit futures offering into dollar and multicurrency products promises broader and deeper opportunities for investors. A keen buy-side appetite for credit...
Viewpoint : Best execution in derivatives : Liam Huxley

Viewpoint : Best execution in derivatives : Liam Huxley

Taking the proper steps The DESK speaks to Liam Huxley, CEO of Cassini Systems about best execution in derivatives. How well developed is the best execution process...
Quantitative Brokers: Rate futures market susceptible to shocks

Quantitative Brokers: Rate futures market susceptible to shocks

A new paper by Quantitative Brokers’ research team, led by Shankar Narayanan has found that the average quote size of many interest rate futures...