Electronification nudging firms to single trading platforms FlexTrade says as Amundi opts for FlexTRADER EMS


Speaking to The DESK, FlexTrade EMEA managing director Andy Mahoney said the trend towards the electronification of fixed income has prompted firms to create a single platform for all trading, as Amundi Intermédiation opts for firm’s multi-asset class FlexTRADER EMS platform.

FlexTRADER EMS will be deployed as Amundi Intermédiation’s global, centralised EMS platform to deliver cross-asset trading capabilities to more than 60 dealers within its international investment hubs across trading desks in Paris, Dublin, Singapore and Tokyo.

Andy Mahoney, FlexTrade

Speaking to The Desk, FlexTrade EMEA managing director Andy Mahoney said: “We are seeing an increased demand from buy-side desks to consolidate trading technology without compromise across all asset classes. Of course, each asset class comes with its own specific nuances due to market structure, workflows and trader preference.

“The trend towards the electronification of fixed income has prompted firms to look further ahead, to create a single platform for all trading, leveraging the strengths of each asset class into a holistic, actionable view of the market.”

Amundi Intermédiation’s decision to leverage FlexTrade’s fixed-income capabilities reflects the growing trend in the market to electronify bond trading activities, Mahoney said.

Amundi Intermédiation will replace existing multi-platform processes through a single fixed-income EMS and deliver an aggregated view of the market and bilateral connectivity to liquidity providers.

The project will be delivered in multiple phases, with equities and derivatives now live and in production across Amundi Intermédiation’s global trading desks. Fixed income will be deployed by the end of 2023.

FlexTrade’s Fixed Income Smart Order Router (FISOR) will allow bond dealers to boost their automation capabilities using consolidated pre-trade data to ensure best execution.

Amundi Intermédiation globally executes approximately €5 trillion across all asset classes for around 60 clients.

This story was first published on Best Execution.

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