Monday, March 10, 2025
Messaging tools spike as remote trading takes off

Messaging tools spike as remote trading takes off

Providers of messaging tools used by portfolio managers, buy-side traders, sales traders and sell-side dealers have seen volumes spike as remote working becomes a...
EM in ‘limbo’ provides trading and pricing challenges

EM in ‘limbo’ provides trading and pricing challenges

Emerging market bond funds have seen outflows continue to slow significantly, with Morgan Stanley’s analysts estimating it at US$1.8 billion, equating to about 0.42%...
Liquidnet reports 57% jump in bond liquidity during volatile markets

Liquidnet reports 57% jump in bond liquidity during volatile markets

Liquidnet has reported that the recent volatility led to an increase in bond trading volumes on the all-to-all block trading platform. “In the last six...
The Fed opens registration for commercial paper facility

The Fed opens registration for commercial paper facility

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has opened registration for firms wishing to sell to its Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF). The commercial paper...
Bond platforms report record trading volumes for March

Bond platforms report record trading volumes for March

The March 2020 numbers are in for bond trading platforms MarketAxess and Tradeweb and both have seen record results, in a period that has...
Chappell and Nuyts launch European outsourced trading centre

Chappell and Nuyts launch European outsourced trading centre

A new outsourced trading and advisory firm, Sherpa Edge, will launch operations on 1 April led by two highly experienced traders Bart Nuyts and...
Reform of TRACE reporting urged as portfolio trading rises

Reform of TRACE reporting urged as portfolio trading rises

Portfolio trading, in which baskets of securities are exchanged with bank in single deals, has been growing in popularity as it gives certainty over...
Pre-trade data: The next generation

Pre-trade data: The next generation

The first generation of pre-trade analytics are consolidating; the second generation of price and liquidity providers such as Bondcliq and Katana will need to...
Power to the people

Power to the people

New trading protocols can create paths to best execution or confound it through complexity. Chris Hall reports. “Every nation gets the government it deserves” was...
“There is no liquidity”: Bond traders report market conditions never seen before

“There is no liquidity”: Bond traders report market conditions never seen before

Buy-side bond traders are facing a considerable challenge in matching their investor’s demand for fixed income assets as equity markets plummet. Volumes are up,...