Monday, March 10, 2025
FNZ acquiring bond portfolio management tool YieldX

FNZ acquiring bond portfolio management tool YieldX

FNZ, the wealth management platform, has agreed to acquire YieldX, the US-based provider of fixed income portfolio management technology, optimisation services and direct indexing...
MiFIR: Controversy around consolidated tape proposal for revenue sharing with venues

MiFIR: Controversy around consolidated tape proposal for revenue sharing with venues

The Czechia presidency of the Council of the European Union proposed amending the Markets in Financial Instrument Regulation (MiFIR) on 16 December 2022, with...
RIAs select IMTC as partner for growth in fixed income account management

RIAs select IMTC as partner for growth in fixed income account management

IMTC, the provider of fixed income investment management technology, has signed Davenport & Company and F.L.Putnam Investment Management to use IMTC as their portfolio...
Mystery surrounds APA failure in European bond markets

Mystery surrounds APA failure in European bond markets

European bond market participants are keen to know which post-trade data reporter, known as an approved publication arrangement (APA), has ‘data quality issues’ resulting...
Ediphy Markets launches Ediphy Credit

Ediphy Markets launches Ediphy Credit

Ediphy Markets has launched Ediphy Credit, a service to help institutional asset managers access better liquidity in corporate bonds. Ediphy Credit combines data analytics...
Technology: Desktop interoperability providers: What’s the difference?

Technology: Desktop interoperability providers: What’s the difference?

Capital markets firms are improving trading efficiency via desktop interoperability technology, so we look at the different providers. Desktop interoperability is not a new issue...
Exclusive: Spencer Lee joins TS Imagine as chief markets officer; sets out strategy

Exclusive: Spencer Lee joins TS Imagine as chief markets officer; sets out strategy

TS Imagine, the trading, portfolio, and risk management system provider, has announced Spencer Lee is joining as chief markets officer, to lead the firm’s...
Bloomberg forces SEC to provide cost analysis of primary issuance database

Bloomberg forces SEC to provide cost analysis of primary issuance database

Bloomberg has had its case for the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), to provide an analysis of the costs for a primary bond...
Details on MiFIR deferral regime still needed

Details on MiFIR deferral regime still needed

A draft report published by Danuta Hübner, rapporteur for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs at the European Parliament, has detailed changes to...
Technology: The real reason you cannot get a new trading system

Technology: The real reason you cannot get a new trading system

Lynn Strongin Dodds investigates the barriers to adopting new technology. Technological advances may be developing at breakneck speed but many of the barriers of adoption...