Bloomberg makes its real-time B-PIPE data feed available on AWS
Bloomberg's flagship real-time market data feed, B-PIPE, has been available on the cloud via Amazon Web Services (AWS), giving clients access to the same...
Vanguard launches new active global credit bond fund
Vanguard, which has US$5.3 trillion in global assets under management (AUM), has launched the Vanguard Global Credit Bond Fund, an actively managed fund to...
Erik Tham leaves UBS Wealth for MarketAxess
Erik Tham has joined MarketAxess as head of Private Banking, for Benelux and Switzerland, leaving his position as executive director at UBS Wealth Management,...
“Tourists” in emerging markets challenge liquidity
Emerging markets have had a volatile year, intensifying the pressure on asset managers gain better access to liquidity and pricing. Pinebridge Investments’ Chris Perryman,...
FCA “utterly useless” engaging with EU over Brexit
By Chris Hall.
Veteran city commentator Anthony Hilton delivered a harsh verdict on the UK financial regulators’ efforts to support Britain’s finance industry ahead of...
No respite for Italian volatility
By Chris Hall.
Political uncertainties will continue to guarantee challenging conditions for investors in Italian government bonds well into 2019, according to speakers on Thursday’s...
Buy side ‘owes’ it to the market to make progress with tech
By Joel Clark.
Using innovative systems and technology to improve fixed income trading is part of the duty of care that buy-side traders owe to...
Take a modular approach to layering regs, industry told
By Joel Clark.
Having implemented multiple regulations on a standalone basis over the past decade, market participants must now take a more flexible modular approach...
Python eats traders
By Chris Hall.
Balancing man and machine will be the critical success factor for buy-side trading desks, delegates were told in Thursday’s head trader keynote...
Swinburne: Traders should beware of radical change in Europe
Brexit will mean that politics will take precedent over principal, when setting policy in Europe, warned Kay Swinburne MEP, speaking at the Fixed Income...