US Credit: Liquidity costs trending down
The bid-ask spread in US high yield trading is falling again having suffered an uptick in December, according to MarketAxess Trax, which tracks trading...
Same trading costs, different year
The new year has seen trading volumes drop back to a similar level as seen in early January 2022, but in European credit, bid-ask...
Reviewing 2022: European credit trading costs have doubled
There have been an enormous number of factors shaking up bond trading this year. From fixed income fundamentals like rapidly rising interest rates from...
All I want for Christmas, is trading analytics
Traders would do well to run close analysis over their European trading activity this month, as data from MarketAxess Trax, which tracks trading across...
Illiquidity creeps up in US credit… will e-trading save the day?
Looking at data on US credit markets, taken from MarketAxess Trax, which tracks trading across multiple markets and counterparties, investment grade trading volumes have been...
Breaking blocks
Electronic trading is certainly on a growth spurt – Coalition Greenwich reports e-trading was 46% volume across all assets in 2021 – but this...
Barnes on Bonds: Secondary Gilt Trip
To look at the whipsaw effect of the UK’s 23 September mini-budget on secondary UK bond trading, we have taken data from MarketAxess TraX,...
What volatility looks like
Understanding how challenging the European markets have been to trade this year is far clearer when looking at the numbers. According to MarketAxess TraX...
Is a liquidity crisis brewing in European HY?
Concern around liquidity in Europe’s high yield market has been rising over the past quarter as it is hit by a double whammy, falling...
Why are European IG Bid-Ask spreads widening?
Liquidity in the European corporate bond market is becoming more expensive in both high yield (HY) and investment grade (IG) trading. According to MarketAxess...