Reports indicate UBS Bond Port is on a tear

Dan Barnes

Several buy-side traders have reported they are seeing significantly increased volumes and buy-side activity on the UBS Bond Port platform in the second quarter of 2020, just as other electronic platforms are reporting increased trading activity.

“We’re probably doing more with Bond Port than we ever have,” noted one trader. “It’s firm, executable, the desk engage well and they are making solid inroads to integration with order management systems (OMSs), Aladdin included. We hope to be able to engage liquidity and leave passive orders directly from our OMS in the near future.”

Another trader said, “The figures I’ve seen were for volume and buy side engagement which are both up by over 150%, so there does seem to be a sustained trend for more electronic trading and maybe more all-to-all.”

One set of figures for UBS Bond Port, seen by The DESK, suggest that year-on-year volume for the first half of the year is up by 111% in 2020, and buy-side participation up by 159%, however UBS was not able to confirm any of these figures before publication. Specific volume figures have not been reported.

Tradeweb reported higher average daily volumes for Q2 earlier in the week and MarketAxess saw total volume for global credit trading up 49% in June year-on-year.

©The DESK 2020