Shape the debate at next month’s FIX EMEA Trading Conference


What keeps you up at night?

(and what are your peers doing about it?)

• A survey with a difference!

Global Trading, The DESK and FIX Trading Community want to know what your most pressing concerns are – and what you think should be done about them?

We want to make this survey more engaging, so to inspire debate, innovation and action on things that need to change, we will be following up in two ways:

    1. We’ll kick off discussing the key findings at the FIX EMEA Trading Conference with a special fireside chat hosted by The DESK’s Dan Barnes with FIX EMEA Equities Co-Chairs Rebecca Healey and Matt Coupe, talking through the results with two considerations : “And so what?” and “ What should the industry be working on?”
    2. Then the full analysis will be published in Global Trading and The DESK.

Take part in our survey to identify your top worries within equities and fixed income. We want to know where you want budgets to be directed and what actions governments and regulators should be taking to improve the situation.

Click here to take part or scan the QR code below:

If you do not have a ticket to attend the FIX EMEA Trading Conference please reach out to them [ or email: ].

Shape the debate!

Nick Dunbar,
Managing Editor,
Global Trading.